Glorious Day

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, - 1 Peter 1:8 NIV

Take a minute and read the verse above. Meditate on it. As you do, ask yourself a few questions.  Do you believe it? Do you love Him? Do your actions show your belief? Do other people validate your belief with their comments to you? Are you experiencing the “inexpressible and glorious joy”?

If you answer any of these questions with a “no”, it seems you have another question to answer. “Why not?” I think if we are all honest, we will find that we have the answer “no” at some point in our walk. For example, there are times when we love God and we believe Jesus is the Christ, but our actions don’t line up. We do things or say things that we know we shouldn’t. Sometimes we don’t feel joy. We are down in the dumps and we feel a million miles away from God.

In those moments of life, take heart. God wants us to be filled with joy, even in difficult times. He wants us to experience a joy that transcends this existence on Earth. He wants us to believe He has our best interest at heart and for our hearts to pour out love for Him.

So, in the times of life when God seems distant, seek Him. Seek Him by reading the word, worshipping with others, and pursuing relationships with His church. When He seems furthest away lean your deepest into seeking Him. You may find that there is glorious joy in doing so.

Be blessed and be a blessing,
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