Our boxer, Gumbo, cracks me up. What he wants more than anything in the world is companionship. He is the only dog I have ever had that makes each family member feel like they are his favorite person. On top of that he loves being with our other dogs. His over the top energy can be a bit much and they don't always reciprocate his feelings. In fact, sometimes they want nothing to do with him. I often think that would be discouraging. Wanting to be with your friends and they don't want to be with you.
This morning Gumbo was outside with two of our dogs. They wanted to come in and as they did Julie's parent's basset hound, Bailey, was exiting the house to go outside. Gumbo stopped dead in his tracks. He was no longer going in, he was staying out with the Bailey.
He'd been snubbed numerous times from Bailey. But that didn't stop Gumbo from seizing the opportunity to be with her this time. He was happy to spend time with her outside.
How often do we do the same to Jesus? We ignore Him and choose other things over Him. He's ready to be with us and we snub Him.
In Gumbo we get to see Jesus. He's excited to spend time with us when we choose to be with him. He wants to spend every minute with us. He yearns for companionship. Even when we don't reciprocate.
Did you know God calls us into this friendship relationship? Jesus says, “I do not call you servants any longer, because servants do not know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because I have told you everything I heard from my Father” in John 15:15 GNT. Jesus calls you friend. Be a good friend and make time to hang out with Jesus.
Be blessed and be a blessing,
This morning Gumbo was outside with two of our dogs. They wanted to come in and as they did Julie's parent's basset hound, Bailey, was exiting the house to go outside. Gumbo stopped dead in his tracks. He was no longer going in, he was staying out with the Bailey.
He'd been snubbed numerous times from Bailey. But that didn't stop Gumbo from seizing the opportunity to be with her this time. He was happy to spend time with her outside.
How often do we do the same to Jesus? We ignore Him and choose other things over Him. He's ready to be with us and we snub Him.
In Gumbo we get to see Jesus. He's excited to spend time with us when we choose to be with him. He wants to spend every minute with us. He yearns for companionship. Even when we don't reciprocate.
Did you know God calls us into this friendship relationship? Jesus says, “I do not call you servants any longer, because servants do not know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because I have told you everything I heard from my Father” in John 15:15 GNT. Jesus calls you friend. Be a good friend and make time to hang out with Jesus.
Be blessed and be a blessing,
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