Christmas is Special

As a kid I can remember anxiously awaiting Christmas. In the mail each year, we'd receive the Sears Wish Book. For hour upon hour, I'd flip the pages of the catalog dreaming of the presents Santa would leave for me under the tree  Christmas morning. Christmas Eve, my mind would wander off to think about the awesome presents I'd get to open that next morning. Our family religiously attended Christmas Eve church service. I can remember anxiously sitting through as we sang songs, heard a message, and received communion. I knew the season was about Jesus, but I couldn't wait to see what items Santa would bring from the Sears Wish Book. 

As Julie and I started our family, we wanted to make sure to keep Jesus as the reason for the season. We started things like making a birthday cake for Jesus. At some point on Christmas Day, we gather around together and sing Happy birthday to Jesus. 

As I look back I think about the anticipation I had for Christmas because of Santa and the presents. As a follower of Jesus, we all anticipate the time when He will return. And of course on Christmas we remember God's greatest gift He ever gave to the world in Jesus. I find there's much to do in the Christian world about Santa Claus and his place in Christmas. As a young boy, I don't know that I could fully comprehend the concept of Jesus returning. I could be excited for the birth of Jesus. Because of Santa, the Christmas season was filled with anticipation. Now as a more mature follower of Jesus, that anticipation has shifted from Santa to the return of Jesus. 

I love how the writer of Hebrews shared this truth of our growth as believers. It says in Hebrews 5, “[12] In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! [13] Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. [14] But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” As well grow from infant to child, we move from milk, baby food, then solid food. Even as a child we don't eat the same things we eat as adults. When my kids were smaller their favorite meal was chicken nuggets, Mac and cheese, and green beans. I am certain they would both prefer a meal at a fine restaurant today. 

Our faith should be the same. Over time it should mature and grow. For each of us, Christmas is special. As Christians, it is special because of Jesus. As children, it's even more special because of Santa. As they grow to adults, Christmas will be even more special because of Jesus. 

Merry Christmas,
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