
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - John 1:1

This past week in our Wednesday night Adult class we discussed the creation story of Genesis 1. It didn’t take long for John 1:1 to come up. For a new believer, this is one of the more challenging scriptures when it stands alone as it does. 

Later in the chapter John says, “the word becomes flesh” (John 1:14). This refers to Jesus, God in a human body. The scriptures goes on to say that this word made flesh came through life with us. Referring to Jesus' time on the earth. God, the son, left His throne to again walk with His creation.

In the Genesis 1 creation story, all that is created is done so by God's word. He speaks something into existence and it is created. For example in verse 9 of Genesis 1 He speaks and the land is created as it separates from the water. That only happens because God wanted it and spoke it into existence through His word. 

Now put it all together. Jesus is the word. With the word God created. That means that God the Son, Jesus, was an intimate part of creation. The word used as the instrument to create the world and show God's love. 

When you think about this world, consider that same power that created you also died for you and defeated death for you. Words are powerful. God's word has the power to save. 

Be blessed and be a blessing,
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