Servant of the Gospel

'I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power. ' - Ephesians 3:7

Our Tuesday Brown Bag Bible Study is journeying through the book of Ephesians. To me, Paul’s writings are some of the most compelling of the New Testament. The way he writes and the circumstances surrounding his writing are powerful. 

Recently I was reading to prepare for our weekly study, and four words hit me, as Cameron says, like a bus. I found myself questioning my faith. Questioning my heart. Questioning my sincerity. 

Sometimes when you read God’s words they just impact you in a different way. You may have read those same words numerous times and not seen the text the same way as you just did. It is like God was hiding the meaning until you were ready. 

What are words that hit me? They are “servant of the gospel”. Paul left everything he thought to be true to share the good news. He faced prison, false accusations, and horrible conditions to share the gospel. Everything he did was to share this news that was so good and so powerful that it changed everything about him. 

I’ll be honest, I'm not sure that I am a servant of the gospel. I know I am supposed to be and I want to be a servant of the gospel. But I hold on to things that I think I can control. Rather than laying them at the cross, I try to carry them with my cross. I think being a servant of the gospel means it consumes you. I think it is a goal for me to work towards.

Be blessed and be a blessing,

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