
[6] So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, [7] rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. - ‭Colossians 2:6-7 NIV‬

How we live our lives matters. What we do should reflect who we follow. It is easy to compare the way we live with the way the rest of the world lives. The problem with this approach is it creates a polarized view of the world, and “us versus them” view. 

Living our lives in Jesus Christ means living a life of love. Our actions should demonstrate our love of God and love for His people. 

Living our lives in Jesus Christ means living a life of change. The person we were before Christ should look different than the person we are now. As we learn and become more like Christ we are strengthened in love. 

Living our lives in Jesus Christ means living a life of gratitude. Through all we do love should shine through us in the form of thankfulness. To the world around us it should be evident that we are grateful. 

Rather than an “us versus them” approach our we should stand differently than the world around us because love has transformed us and now our lives overflow with gratitude. This type of different is attractive to the people who don't know Jesus. This type of different allows your life to be a testament to truth and grace of our God found only in Jesus Christ. 

So go and live. Let your light shine. Show off for Jesus.

Be blessed and be a blessing,
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