WinShape Camp for Communities is back this summer! Join us July 5-9 at Bradenton Christian School for the ultimate day camp, combining fun, faith, and friendship into an action-packed week. Registration opens March 1. The cost is $169/camper, but register the week of March 1 - 7 and get an automatic $20 scholarship.
WinShape Camps for Communities COVID-19 Updates
These following guidelines/changes have been created and approved in collaboration with the WinShape Camps Health Care Coordinator, Julie Bailey, the WinShape Foundation Risk Management Department, and in light of recommendations put forth by an internal research team. Please review the expected program changes set forth below but keep in mind that camp is still 5 months away. As the situation changes, there is a possibility the stringency of these guidelines can be loosened. We will provide you with timely updates as the program model for Summer 2021 becomes more concrete.
As of right now, we will be asking all Summer Staff, campers, and volunteers to wear masks during the camp day. We have built in “Breathing Breaks” in the schedule when masks can be removed. Masks will likely be able to be removed during outdoor activities as well. Upon arrival to camp each morning, all campers, Summer Staff, and volunteers will go through a symptom check where they will have their temperature taken and answer a few questions about how they are feeling. Our camp schedule this year will create margin for increased hand washing and sanitization of equipment and spaces. Campers will likely use hand sanitizer as they enter a space and as they exit. Cleaning around campus will need to be a joint effort between our Summer Staff and our church partners. We will set cleaning standards for our program and then work with you each week to determine the best way to tackle cleaning together.
This year, campers will remain in the same group or “Team Time” throughout the camp day. Team Times are groups of campers next exceeding 15 paired with one of our Summer Staff and a volunteer. As in the past, a Team Time will be comprised of campers of the same age. Team Times will travel between 4 zones at camp: Auditorium, Team Time, Rec!, and Skills. Campers will visit these 4 zones twice each day, creating 8 “periods” in the day. The total length of the camp day is not changing. At no point will the entire camp be in a room together. At most, 50% of the total campers may be in the auditorium at the same time with adequate distancing between Team Times achieved. This rotation model creates time in between the use of spaces and equipment where crews can clean and sanitize before the next group of campers comes in.
All campers will participate in 9 unique Skill Options throughout the week. In effort to provide an excellent Skill experience and limit camper exposure, these Skills have been predetermined for each camper. As such, parents will not be asked to select Skills as they register their camper.
- Each day Campers will participate in two Skill periods.
- On Friday, Campers will experience only one Skill period, as Friday is a half day.
- Each day Campers will participate in one Indoor and one Outdoor Skill option.
- Campers will experience approximately 50 minutes of activity in each Skill period.
- Campers will experience Age-Specific Content (i.e. Ocean camper Skill activities will differ from the activities offered to campers in other Villages.)
- Basketball
- Inflatables (NEW for 2021) This Skill will include Inflatable games, relay races, and free play!
- Net Games (NEW for 2021) This Skill will include 9-Square in the Air, Cross-Net Volleyball, and SpikeBall!
- Soccer
- Yard Games
- Crafts
- Secret Ops
- Painting
- Under Construction
- Wacky Science
2021 Covid Cancellation Policy
We know that times are uncertain right now, but we want you to be confident when you pay for camp for Summer 2021. WinShape Camps guarantees that if the camp Session your camper is registered for is cancelled due to COVID-19, your camp tuition will be refunded back to your original payment method. If you need to cancel your camper due to COVID-19, your camp tuition will be refunded back to your original payment method. If your camper needs to depart camp due to COVID-19, we will prorate days missed from camp and refund the credited tuition.